Request Let Your Voice Be Heard!

Its to my understanding that you cant add islands because of legal reasons but is that because you cant add your own islands or any at all. Would it be possible to add islands from the movies following the story and movies as Disney would have?
Islands like:
white bay with the mermaids
shipwreck cove
davy jones locker
england itself
the spanish islands
the fountain of youth

Things like this ect


  • Pirates-of-the-Caribbean-At-Worlds-End-0951.jpg
    130.1 KB · Views: 154
Its to my understanding that you cant add islands because of legal reasons but is that because you cant add your own islands or any at all. Would it be possible to add islands from the movies following the story and movies as Disney would have?
Islands like:
white bay with the mermaids
shipwreck cove
davy jones locker
england itself
the spanish islands
the fountain of youth

Things like this ect
Unsure of what you mean they have already stated they are adding at least 4 new islands to my knowledge. CTC being one of them which is the big update after lobbies. I do like your idea of adding these islands from the movie but I think they said they weren't gonna add anything more from the movies besides possibly Davy Jones..
Here’s one that I forgot to mention in my first post:
4) fix the sailing loot bug that causes missing loot. Missing skulls are certainly an issue but I really am pretty confident that other loot containers also go missing. There was once an update pronouncing this bug fixed and at the time it did seem better but it has resurfaced in a big way. It’s been suggested that it is that the missing containers contain gold only as the cause, no idea if that’s true but it was a good idea as to what is happening.
Reverting sailing loot back to where you get it all regardless of how long you were on a boat is something I think many of us would enjoy
Reverting sailing loot back to where you get it all regardless of how long you were on a boat is something I think many of us would enjoy
Lol, it was fun, I got 44k plus gold on a run once back then but I don’t think it should be reverted back to that, it was ridiculous. Maybe for a weekend event or something like that?
Some more ideas I thought of while the game was down last night:
  • New or higher ship upgrades that fire 2 or more special ammunition types. Obviously they'd be extremely expensive, and if balance in SVS is a concern they might be able to be restricted from launching from the two islands or nerfed when launched there.
  • A new area on Raven's Cove. There are a few blocked tunnels I'm sure many players have seen around the island or inside the mines that could be unblocked via some special event. I'm thinking something similar to Forsaken Shallows but much more dangerous, requiring a group of high level pirates and even a level cap to enter similar to Hollowed Woods Town Hall.
  • A legendary cannon ram or two that come only from Cannon Defense. Right now CD is only a thing you do once or twice and get everything you need, which is a bit sad to me because its pretty fun with the right team.
  • Bring back animal summon potions pls ty.
  • Player friends.
  • Scimitars like Viper's Kiss and Desert Claw that were released shortly before POTCO closed. I always thought they were really cool.
  • More special events or "treasure maps" like the Black Pearl boss battle but more in depth and difficult. For example, traveling to a large Navy or EITC compound or a long lost cursed island and battling your way through dungeon style for a chance at some unique items at the end.
  • A delete loot container button with a yes or no confirmation like when deleting single items.
  • Something, I have no idea what, that follows up on the check hand emote and the Evil Curse of Doom.
  • More sail colors, designs, and emblems.
  • A very rarely appearing and elusive traveling merchant that wanders the map either on land or at sea on a unique ship that players could hunt down and purchase or trade exclusive items with. Players could be notified server wide like Treasure Fleets and be prompted to go find it. Possibly could accept bones and moonstones to give them more value outside of their seasonal events.
  • Bright/Dark Black variants of boots for both genders.
  • Bright/Dark Black variants of Bounty Hunter Shorts or something similar looking for girls.
  • Tier 4 and 5 loot containers. This would have to be done correctly, with careful famed and legendary drop rate balancing, and rate at which the containers drop themselves. In my mind, tier 5 would be extremely rare but have a decently increased chance over loot skull chests for famed/legendary. Would be a great way to make looting a little more interesting and I always thought it was weird how loot skulls were only 3/5 quality and there's never been any mention of 4 and 5 by POTCO or TLOPO.
  • An expansion of Cuba with a boss that drops a legendary staff. Right now you go to Cuba to see Tia Dalma or to sail to Tormenta and that's about it.
I think a something cool to add would be like a Happy Hour. For 1 hour a day, whatever the peak time(that you guys decide) is you get double loot. Another cool idea would be making a pvp leaderboard, most ships sank, most land enemies killed, most svs ships destroyed etc.
At the end of each month, people who end top 5 in their category get 2-3 loot scrolls that last 2-3 hours each.
On behalf of me sweating my life away with unchanged dirty pooh stained underwear, I request that there be a fix of treasure sense to work with skulls instead of royal chests. I myself have experienced the major abuse when it comes to grinding for the so beloved Admirals Cutlass as I sit in dirty unwashed shirts and underwear at 4am trying to get skull after skull and telling myself that life is a lie.

I <3 Sawyer
An Island Invasion

I foresee a sea shrouded in fog and gloom. Within this bit of gloomy sea sits a silent, tiny isle draped in dark mist. This isle is, in fact, completely enveloped by a Victorian, seaport town with small wharfs and narrow, cobbled streets. Along the streets are decrepit two-story buildings with overhanging balconies, all inundated with damp moss and murky shadows. There is a treasure to be found in this town - a treasure randomly placed by a protecting company of pirate ghosts whose aggression and ferociousness to protect their treasure is renowned in pirate lore.

For a captain and his crew foolhardy enough to attempt to steal the treasure, they will find that, upon landing, they will need to stand together as a firm unit in order to defeat the ghost defenses. Woe to those who fail, but, by the grace of the gods, when a majority of their unit is defeated, they will be teleported to the Raven’s Cove Jail.

Rumor has it that there are lone ghost-watchers as well as bands of roving ghosts. Further, if the captain and his crew are not stealth enough, the whole town may be aroused. Too much talking, any traps, or any loud noises, among other things, could cause this mishap.
Many weapons of war were actually farm implements, or modified farm implements -

pole, axe, forks (pitch, hay, etc.), corn sickle, hooks (billhook, etc.), slasher, adze, sledge, cleavers, hammers, knives, or anything else the rurals could come up with.
To echo others: I think the focus should be getting everything from POTCO days working first and foremost, and then correcting/reworking looting, inventory space, and POLISH, POLISH, POLISH. Once everything is working 100% for the "base" version now, THEN start adding new stuff.

In thought of this: more access to the test server would be good for this: Maybe rework the launcher to work for BOTH live and test servers, having a section of the web site that you can go through and sign up for the test server which then flags your account to have access to the test server options in the launcher? This would require separating the login process from the installing/updating process in the launcher, but that's something I think should also be done anyway. There are many times I would just like to update the game, but not actually -open- the game, just so that when I DO open the game, it's ready to go, I don't have to wait on the update at that time.

To clarify, the steps in the launcher would become:
1. Log in upon opening the launcher, credentials are held by the launcher (option to save user/pass+auto-login?)
2. select version of game desired to play, if available based on account setup.
3. push an "Install" or "Update" button, to get the desired version of the game up to date to match the server side for that version.
4. Once Install/Update is complete, button THEN converts to a "Play" button, which launches the appropriate client version, logs the player in, and presents the pirate selection screen.

If this sounds familiar to anyone, it's exactly how the Blizzard launcher works for all of their PC games.
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On behalf of me sweating my life away with unchanged dirty pooh stained underwear, I request that there be a fix of treasure sense to work with skulls instead of royal chests. I myself have experienced the major abuse when it comes to grinding for the so beloved Admirals Cutlass as I sit in dirty unwashed shirts and underwear at 4am trying to get skull after skull and telling myself that life is a lie.

I <3 Sawyer
lol... you have a wicked sense of humour, I hope ! ;)

A bit smelly though :oops:
:pirate ship:
Hey everyone,

The team wanted to get some feedback on what features and content you want to see in the game next. It can be anything! Please comment below with your ideas. If you want, include your reasoning on why you think your suggestions would work for the future of the game.

Note: We can't add Disney characters/islands etc. due to legal concerns.

Please share this thread so everyone can have their voice be heard!
I'm not sure we should be worried about adding Islands that were already designed or any of it that was there in the phase files... I think we sailed passed those worries a few years ago.

If there was any desire on behalf of Disney I think it's obvious there is enough already for them to be mean to us, one more Island, Kraken, Blackbeard or Davy Jones won't make any difference :piratemickey: ;)
:pirate ship:
island tailors with a weekly shop of new clothes and a bright white set of clothes more of a ghost or pearl white other than the regular dull white.
Its to my understanding that you cant add islands because of legal reasons but is that because you cant add your own islands or any at all. Would it be possible to add islands from the movies following the story and movies as Disney would have?
Islands like:
white bay with the mermaids
shipwreck cove
davy jones locker
england itself
the spanish islands
the fountain of youth

Things like this ect
We can add as many islands as we want, they just can't be islands from the movies.
The one feature I'd like quite a lot is the ability to change my account username. When I created it I didn't realize it would be capitalization sensitive, and remembering to use all the correct capitalization whenever logging in has always been a pain with my username.