The Pirate Cyber Warrior


Notorious Pirate
Yes, so this is about me...again. It's about him standing around, doing nothing (like all adventures come) and then something strange happens...

Chapter 1: The Hackers

So, I was standing around doing nothing. Nothing new. I sat on a highly explosive keg (probably not a good idea) and just sat. Ever since that glitch where I lost my ship, I was feeling pretty depressed. I felt like throwing a rock at someone until something happened...

"Help! Someone's gonna hack my account!" Yeah, right. Full of baloney, kid. And, then, I saw it. Two guys messing with his account, probably just "for fun". I've seen hacking, but not THIS hacking. "Relax, kid. We're not stealing your credit card. We've got much bigger and better plans to do once we steal your account."

Then, I snapped. "Hey!" They turned to look at me. "Pick on someone else your own size. What's your deal?" The hackers merely smirked. "Go away, kid. We don't want anything unfortunate to happen." I couldn't let them get away with saying that, scaring me off. "I wouldn't want anything unfortunate to happen to you, either." They all laughed and...some kind of digits came out of their hands. They were green and swirled around like a tornado.

How was I supposed to know that they would ram into me and take all but one point of my health meter? "Hey! This isn't PvP! You're not supposed to be able to hit me!" They all just cracked up again. "Quit your whining. All's fair in love and war, kid."

I made a jumbo mistake by replying. "Why don't you fight me for real?" They all just got serious. "You honestly don't wanna mess with us, kid. Trust me, we're not the type that take these things lightly." I balled my fists and walked up to them. "Well, I don't take ragging on a fellow mate lightly, either."

Then, something unexpected happened. Without my permission, I was launched into PvP. Only, it was almost like we were in a world full of digits. "What's this?" I asked in suspicion. One of them sighed and said, "This is the Code Cavern. Created by Troy Shatterskull (Author's Note: If that's a real name in POTCO, this isn't you. :p). Used for PvP against other hackers."

"But, I'm not a hacker." The other one coolly replied, "Relax. Both hackers and amateur players can fight here. Only, the hackers are more likely to win." He smiled, then broke into a grin. Then, he started laughing.

I couldn't take it anymore. I charged at him and jumped over him. It was a complete loss, though. They took me out in one blast and next thing I know, I'm nowhere near them. Just in a pitch black area. Then, I heard a voice.

"Hello..." said the strange voice. Not knowing what else to say, I simply said back, "Um, hi." The voice then strangely replied, "How can I help you, user?" I raised my eyebrow in confusion. "User? Whatever, um, I need to know how to get out of here." It took a while for the voice to reply. It finally said, "You need to free me."

"Free you? What?" The voice then said, "To get out, you must release me from my shackles." I shrugged. "Well, I guess I don't have much choice." I saw a lock glowing in the darkness. I used my sword to cut the chains and pick the lock.

Then, something weird came out. A bunch of red digits just outright...went into me. I don't remember much after that, but next thing I know, I'm back with the hackers.

"Oh, he finally showed his face again, huh?" I had a strange new confidence. "I'm not going easy on you. Anyway, you're surrounded." There were a bunch of onlookers around us, probably former victims.

"Surrounded, by what? A bunch of :cursing: kids?" I just replied, "Not really." The other one replied, "AHAHAHAHAHA!, you're really funny." The others just stepped back while I stared at the hackers.

"You're going down, you pitiful excuses for people."
Chapter 2: Showdown with Some Cheaters

I stared them down. They wouldn't scare me away ever. "You know, you think you're so tough. The truth is, you need cheats to win. Others win legitimately. They're the better people. Their skills are more honed." The hackers just laughed. "Sometimes you need cheats in your life, kid. When you see an opportunity, you take it. That's what lies are. They're cheats and they get you through everything."

I simply shook my head and smirked. "That just proves how ignorant you are. Though lies may be the easier route, they'll just get you in more trouble. Being honest may not always be the best choice sometimes, but most of the time, it is." The hackers clenched their teeth and charged. They went straight through me. "Hey. You forgetting something? You forgot to load up your little grid."

One of them looked angry. "Don't tell me what to remember!" I could tell he looked angry and embarrassed. He loaded up the Code Cavern and charged straight at me. I jumped up and stamped down. He howled in pain and backed up. "Grr...lucky shot." I smiled. "Is it really? Or was it a mistake you made?"

He kept charging at me quicker than the speed of sound, but it didn't really do anything. I caught him by the arm and then said, "What's wrong? Giving up already?" I threw him into a nearby digitized rock. It looked like he was KO'ed, so I moved on to the next hacker.

He grew furious and said, "Kid gloves off, :cursing: wad." He made digitized rocks rise and threw them at me. Somehow, I made a shield around me and it completely deflected the rocks. I charged at him and punched him in the stomach. He roared in pain and jumped backwards.

He charged straight at me and...a red digitized shield came in front of me. He rammed into it and said, "OW!" The cavern disappeared and I was left confused. He was on the ground and he crawled backwards. "Oh, my god...WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU??!! THAT LEGITIMATELY HURT, MAN!" He cowered in fear. Then, I saw looked like his hand was throbbing in real life.

He scrambled away and screamed, "FREAK!!" I was left dazed in confusion again. What just happened? Everyone cheered and picked me up. I didn't care, though. I was left staring in the direction the hacker disappeared in.

Ten days later, I logged onto a GM event. I teleported to Tortuga, where the event was being held. I ran over to the docks where I saw Xavier Hench hosting the event. "Settle down, pirates, settle down! We'll answer all yer questions!" I pushed my way into the crowd. "Sorry, 'scuse me, comin' through!"

The GM was laughing until he saw me. And, it didn't look like it was because of me. He was examining me. "Beg yer pardon, mates. Hold on for a spell." He pulled me outside the crowd into the Misty Mire.

I asked, "What is it? Did I do something wrong?" He shook his head. "No, mate. But, that power of yours is dangerous. It was sealed for a reason. Don't say I didn't warn ye, mate. That could harm ye in the world of the Overseers." And, he left me there, me with my head hurting with confusion.


A man stood behind one of the walkways. "Boss...I've found it. I've found the power."


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Chapter 3: Mysteries and a Little Gambling

A monitor screen with an image of a shady figure appeared. "So, this shield you saw this user using...describe it." The hacker in front of it bowed. "Yeah, well, was, like, red with some digits or some :cursing: everywhere. Look, I don't have a darn clue what the heck it was. All I need to know is that it ACTUALLY hurt. Like, for real." The shady figure replied, "Interesting...anything else you noticed?" The hacker put his hand on his chin. "Well, he did seem more confident than he was before. I can't put my finger on it, but it wasn't because he knew he got stronger or something." The shady figure nodded and said, "You are dismissed. Thank you."


It was getting pretty normal here in POTCO. Besides the fact that people were whispering about how I supposedly took down those two hackers, everything seemed fine. But...the thing is, I don't really remember taking them down. I mean, I know I did, but...I wasn't me.

"Hey, did you hear about..." "Dude, that Gastro guy..." "..then that hacker ran away..." I could hear it all. I felt guilty. Not because of anything I did, but what I couldn't remember doing. I still felt weird about what Xavier had told me, too. The one thing I remember is letting that...thing....get free. After that, it was blurry.


A pirate was at the gypsy's potion table. He had finally brewed a potion and was so excited. "Man, I finally made a Shrinkin' Grog! Wait 'till my friends see this!" He ran towards the docks of Port Royal and met up with his two best pals. "Hey, guys!" he bragged. "Look at what I made!" He drank his Shrinkin' Grog and disappeared.

"...Hey, buddy, I think you shrank a little too much." The other one said, "Yeah, we can't see you!" What they didn't notice is, as soon as he drank the potion, he was disconnected. By who? Isn't it obvious?...By a hacker.

"HAHAHAHA! I love it when pirates fall victim to my disconnection potions! As long as I'm attached to this potion table, any potion a pirate makes and drinks disconnects them!" The hacker laughed maniacally. " *cough* " He started coughing. "Okay, maybe I shouldn't evilly laugh anymore."


I was walking casually towards the shipwright on Port Royal, Darby Drydock, when a pirate fumed and ran towards me. "UGH! I can't stand that hacker! He's stopping us from brewing potions!" I stared at him. "Uh...can't you just switch servers?" He shook his head. "No use. As long as he's got a connection to that thing, he has control." I tilted my head in confusion. He sighed and said, "The potion table." Getting it, I said, "OHHHH...."


"Alright, which one of you losers is next? It's almost dinner and I need my fun time to kick in." The hacker stamped his foot in frustration. "What, no 'brave souls' to try to stop me?" He laughed and coughed again.

"I think you need to take your cough drop, kid." He turned to me. "Grr, go away. I-I-I mean STAY and brew some potions if you'd like!" I shook my head. "Nice try, but I know all about your little potion trick. That's precisely why I'm here. To stop you."

The hacker laughed. "Stop me? Stop me how?" I walked over to him. "You and I are gonna play a little game. We'll switch the potions around and drink them. If I don't get disconnected, you have to leave everyone alone." The hacker chuckled and said, "And, if I win?"

I lowered my head and closed my eyes. "Then, you get my account info." The hacker laughed and shouted, "Your funeral!" Everyone crowded around again and began cheering, "Gastro! Gastro! Gastro!"

I got confident again and looked at him. "Let's play." We kept spinning and spinning the potions. Whenever the hacker touched a potion, it became a disconnection potion.

After 5 minutes, we stopped. "You ready?" I asked. The hacker gave a muffled chuckle and said, "When you are." I drank the potion and the hacker drank the other potion. I was being strained. The hacker was smirking and looked extremely confident.

I put the potion down and said, "Mm, good drink, indeed." The hacker looked horrified. "W-W-What happened?" I put my head on my arms and said, "I knew you rigged the potions to disconnect you no matter what. So, without you knowing it, I put in my own touch of coding. It's like an antidote."

I smirked as I said to the hacker, "Good-bye." A GM came down and brought a hammer down on him. "THE BAN HAMMER HAS SPOKEN!"


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Chapter 3: Mysteries and a Little Gambling

A monitor screen with an image of a shady figure appeared. "So, this shield you saw this user using...describe it." The hacker in front of it bowed. "Yeah, well, was, like, red with some digits or some :cursing: everywhere. Look, I don't have a darn clue what the heck it was. All I need to know is that it ACTUALLY hurt. Like, for real." The shady figure replied, "Interesting...anything else you noticed?" The hacker put his hand on his chin. "Well, he did seem more confident than he was before. I can't put my finger on it, but it wasn't because he knew he got stronger or something." The shady figure nodded and said, "You are dismissed. Thank you."


It was getting pretty normal here in POTCO. Besides the fact that people were whispering about how I supposedly took down those two hackers, everything seemed fine. But...the thing is, I don't really remember taking them down. I mean, I know I did, but...I wasn't me.

"Hey, did you hear about..." "Dude, that Gastro guy..." "..then that hacker ran away..." I could hear it all. I felt guilty. Not because of anything I did, but what I couldn't remember doing. I still felt weird about what Xavier had told me, too. The one thing I remember is letting that...thing....get free. After that, it was blurry.


A pirate was at the gypsy's potion table. He had finally brewed a potion and was so excited. "Man, I finally made a Shrinkin' Grog! Wait 'till my friends see this!" He ran towards the docks of Port Royal and met up with his two best pals. "Hey, guys!" he bragged. "Look at what I made!" He drank his Shrinkin' Grog and disappeared.

"...Hey, buddy, I think you shrank a little too much." The other one said, "Yeah, we can't see you!" What they didn't notice is, as soon as he drank the potion, he was disconnected. By who? Isn't it obvious?...By a hacker.

"HAHAHAHA! I love it when pirates fall victim to my disconnection potions! As long as I'm attached to this potion table, any potion a pirate makes and drinks disconnects them!" The hacker laughed maniacally. " *cough* " He started coughing. "Okay, maybe I shouldn't evilly laugh anymore."


I was walking casually towards the shipwright on Port Royal, Darby Drydock, when a pirate fumed and ran towards me. "UGH! I can't stand that hacker! He's stopping us from brewing potions!" I stared at him. "Uh...can't you just switch servers?" He shook his head. "No use. As long as he's got a connection to that thing, he has control." I tilted my head in confusion. He sighed and said, "The potion table." Getting it, I said, "OHHHH...."


"Alright, which one of you losers is next? It's almost dinner and I need my fun time to kick in." The hacker stamped his foot in frustration. "What, no 'brave souls' to try to stop me?" He laughed and coughed again.

"I think you need to take your cough drop, kid." He turned to me. "Grr, go away. I-I-I mean STAY and brew some potions if you'd like!" I shook my head. "Nice try, but I know all about your little potion trick. That's precisely why I'm here. To stop you."

The hacker laughed. "Stop me? Stop me how?" I walked over to him. "You and I are gonna play a little game. We'll switch the potions around and drink them. If I don't get disconnected, you have to leave everyone alone." The hacker chuckled and said, "And, if I win?"

I lowered my head and closed my eyes. "Then, you get my account info." The hacker laughed and shouted, "Your funeral!" Everyone crowded around again and began cheering, "Gastro! Gastro! Gastro!"

I got confident again and looked at him. "Let's play." We kept spinning and spinning the potions. Whenever the hacker touched a potion, it became a disconnection potion.

After 5 minutes, we stopped. "You ready?" I asked. The hacker gave a muffled chuckle and said, "When you are." I drank the potion and the hacker drank the other potion. I was being strained. The hacker was smirking and looked extremely confident.

I put the potion down and said, "Mm, good drink, indeed." The hacker looked horrified. "W-W-What happened?" I put my head on my arms and said, "I knew you rigged the potions to disconnect you no matter what. So, without you knowing it, I put in my own touch of coding. It's like an antidote."

I smirked as I said to the hacker, "Good-bye." A GM came down and brought a hammer down on him. "THE BAN HAMMER HAS SPOKEN!"


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Chapter 4: Trouble and...What?

I logged on again and went on Abassa Tortuga. It was the usual, "will someone be my bf?" or "LOL u noobs cant beat me in pvp". I just rolled my eyes as I walked past them.

I walked past the little shack that you always pass when you want to take the quick route to the Misty Mire.


"There he is, man. That's the guy." A hacker used his coded binoculars to spy on me. "Wanna look?" The other hacker was busy with online chess. "Wait, I've almost got a checkmate on this dude!" The first hacker slapped the second hacker and said, "We're being paid MONEY for this job and you're slacking off with chess?!"

"Alright, alright." The second hacker took the binocular and stared at me. "Holy sugar cubes...that's the dude that made me sting in real life! I'M OUTTA HERE!" The second hacker ran away to the hill with Fabiola the gypsy and cowered there.

The first hacker just sighed and facepalmed himself. "Fine, I guess I'm the one getting the fifty bucks. Now, where are you, ya big palooka? Ugh, can't find him." He lowered his binoculars to find a woman pirate in front of him. "Err...can I help you?" The woman pirate said, "hi will u be my bf?" The hacker just stared at her, screamed, and ran away. "LEAVE ME ALONE, YOU ANIMALS!"


I walked to the Faithful Bride, where I always go when I'm confused. I played Blackjack and used the same cheat card hand I always use. I remember to be careful, though, so I ended up winning 2000 gold.

Delmaria Darkskull was sitting at the bar across from the table. "Thank ye for the imaginary rum, mate." He drank the imaginary rum and turned to Gastro. "What's got ye down, mate?"

"I don't know. I can't really explain it..." My head was hurting again. The strange voice then spoke to me. "You seem to be having trouble talking to him about me." I replied, "You again...NO, I DON'T WANNA LISTEN TO YOU!" Del stared, confused, and said, "...What?" I turned to him and said, "No! It's not you, it's..."

"He doesn't need to know about me." I just paused. "..What?" The voice said, "They think you're crazy. Leave my identity alone..."

Then, I heard an explosion in the tavern.


"WHOOOO-HOOO-HOOO!" It was the second hacker. "NOTHING BEATS THE OLD HACKING BUSINESS!" He kept laughing until he saw me. "AAHHH! Gah, guh, ah, buh, buh, i-i-i-i-it's you...with the thing! IIII remember this...and, it is NOT cool!"

The voice took over. "What's wrong? You want more pain?" I charged at him and punched him in the face. "I don't think you learned your lesson. Why don't we hurt you in the head?" The hacker was scared. "I'VE LEARNED IT! I'VE LEARNED IT! PLEASE, DON'T!"

The first hacker then came in. "Hello, there. I believe you're the one I'm looking for." I looked at him. "What do you want?" The hacker said, "Nothing...just wanted to see your skills. That power you've's not for this game. I suggest you leave it alone. It's big trouble...for everyone including you."

I looked at him coldly. "You're one to talk." The hacker then smiled. "Perhaps. But, for now...I bid you adieu." He disconnected and left me there.


The hacker was in the room with his boss. "That was quite an interesting job." The boss inquired, "Did you complete your task?" The hacker replied, "Oh, yes. He's an interesting user, him."

"His power was intriguing. My partner told me about his little escapade involving his run-in with that user. I believe it's powerful enough to pose a threat to society. Everything has been set the rest is up to you. Now...are you paying me?"

"Your payment is forwarded. We're done."


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That's the theme song for the ending of chapters. xD

I got the inspiration for this story from this series.Chapter 5: New Enemy

So, I was in the tavern discussing recent events with my guildmates. I told them about all the hackers and about the one I hurt without knowing it.

"Don't know, mate. Maybe he was trying to trick ye?" said Ben Cabingrin. He played a winning hand of Blackjack...with a cheat hand, of course. I looked at my hands, thinking there might be something there. There was nothing, but I couldn't help but feel something was wrong.

"Well...I remember after defeating the hackers, I went to a GM event where Xavier Hench was. He led me into Misty Mire and warned me about some kind of "power", I think? I...just don't know why it happens. Ever since those hackers I faced, nothing's been the same."

Del played a winning poker hand and said, "Well, one thing's for sure. You are helping people." I just nodded and stared at the table.

Suddenly, it actually felt like an earthquake in the tavern...on Tortuga.


A user logged on to the new Tortuga alley for only Unlimited Access members and opened his hand. A screen of coding with a radar appeared. He smiled with his sharp teeth and said, "'s about time." His eyes glowed red and he ran out of the alley.


"What's going on?! There's no volcanoes or earthquakes on Tortuga!" I said. Del just kept playing. "What? Earthquake? Oh. I feel it now."

Ben took out his cutlass and looked around, to be safe. "There's no one else here! I don't get how there can be ANY strange happenings!"

Then, he appeared. He was a pirate with red eyes, an ostrich hat with a green feather, and spiky hair. Then, he had the sharp teeth. Then, I realized something.

He was a GM. "'re...a GM?" He rolled his eyes. "You just noticed that?" I felt weird for a second. " one has heard about you! You're a hacker probably!" He smiled. "I'm not a hacker. My pirate name is Darksoul. Read the name, kid. It's not rocket science. You don't know me because I quit during development of the game."

I just stuttered. "W-W-What do you want?" He smiled again. "What everyone seems to be after." He grabbed Del by the neck and started draining. Green digits came out of Del's neck and came into Darksoul.

"Pay up, kid. Or else he might as well be in an actual hospital right now." I just stood there. "But...I don't know what you want!" Darksoul tightened his grip and started choking Del. "I think your friend is choking on something. Maybe you should do something."

"STOP!" I could feel my breath leaving. Darksoul tightened his grip and let go. Del's figure disappeared. "NO!!!" I couldn't take it. I don't know what happened, but I remember having a huge headache.

I dropped to my knees and held my head. I was feeling unbelievable pain and everything around me changed to coding. Everything faded out and my eyesight turned red. My eyes were red and my clothes all turned black.

I started growling without trying to and I looked down. I was taken over and looked up. "AGRAAAAAAAAAHH!!!" I started swinging my cutlass at him at triple the normal speed while Darksoul dodged it like nothing.

"Hey." he said. I looked at him for a second, then growled. "Miss me?" he continued. I growled again and charged at him. He kept dodging and blasted coding at me. I blocked it and charged up a blast that would hurt him. I shot it and he just threw it into a wall. I just stared at him in shock. I was stiff. I just looked at him while he charged his blast.

Only after 30 seconds, I decided to get my act together. I charged at him, but that's when he unleashed the blast. I got knocked down and out of my confident form. I just lied there, knowing I failed.

"You're a little good. But, you don't know what you're getting yourself into with that." said Darksoul. "You've got ten days to give me the power. Otherwise, you can say goodbye to all of your friends' players."

He logged off, leaving me there with everyone cowering. Ben came out of hiding and said, "Who was that guy? He didn't seem friendly." I stood up and twisted my hat back into place. "I don't know. But, one thing's for sure...whoever he is, I won't be able to stop him like this."


Comments? Sorry it took so long. Was busy. :D

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Chapter 6: Relaxing

I stared at the beach of Port Royal. Sure, it was coded, but it still looked great. I thought about what happened lately. The hacker calling me a freak, him being scared after meeting me again, how people thought I seemed different. It just didn't all add up. Even Xavier Hench was suspicious of me and he's probably not supposed to say anything about other players. I stared at a ship in the distance and saw it was the Victory Shark. Ben, Del, Alice Darkbane, Lady Nayana, Aisha Graywolf, and pretty much all the other active members were sailing on it.

"Hey, guys!" I waved over to them. They saw me and waved back, but I saw something behind them...a player ship SHOOTING at them? Either it was a new player or a hacker. As if to test how normal I was, I took a bunch of grains of sand and held onto them. I closed my fist and eyes. I saw a bunch of red digits floating around in my closed eyes and some GMs in red form. There, I saw...Darksoul? No, that couldn't be. He's a hacker. But...what if it was true? What if Darksoul really was a GM and I just didn't want to accept that?

"Hey!" A piece of gold landed on my head. "Ow!" Obviously, that sound of pain was a joke. After all, we were in a game and we couldn't be hurt. The friend that had thrown the gold piece smiled at me with his yellow tooth. "What are you doing lazing around on the beach?" It was Bart Gunshot. I laughed. "Oh, it's you."

Then, I remembered. The ship! I got so caught up in my vision I forgot all about it! I looked to the Victory Shark. The good news: it was still intact. The bad news: not for long. The player ship fired a round of Fury Shot at the Victory Shark. I knew that was bad news. I ran as fast as I could to the nearest dinghy to launch my Victory Shark. Just before I pressed the Launch button, Bart yelled, "Hey! Where you going?"

I shouted back, "Sorry, Bart! You're gonna have to wait!" I clicked Launch and got to the loading screen. On it, this is what it said: "Hint: You have nine days to give me the power. Hurry up, loser." I rolled my eyes. How friendly that was. I finally got on the ship and quickly grabbed the wheel. I sailed to the port side where the other Victory Shark was being pounded with cannons. As my ship slowly sailed through the emerald green waters, (It was St. Patrick's Day month) I decided I'd have to go faster.

I activated Full Sail and tried to speed towards the wrestling ships. The Victory Shark tried to fight back, but to no avail. Full Sail just wasn't working fast enough. "Come on!" It wore off, but I still had one more option: Ramming Speed. I activated the skill and sped towards the ships once more and finally caught up. I did a portside cannon volley towards the ship which was apparently named the Midnight Voyager. Well, I don't know what kind of voyaging it was doing, but apparently it involved taking down innocent player ships.

Like I predicted, the cannon volley did no damage and showed me the same message you always get when you try to attack a player ship: "You cannot damage another player's ship!" I growled and started thinking. "Come on, Gastro...think, think!" I started thinking of only one other option left. "Brain fart! Wait, what? Um..." Well, it was the only way. I'd have to go with it. "Alright...time to stop playing by the rules."

I started transforming again. Instead of the growling, dark monster that formed last time, I got the usual confident me. "It's time to check what rules you've been following, hacker...because, you've been breaking many so far." Instead of firing cannons, I fired a blast of coding. I knew that couldn't be normal, but I had no time to think about that.

The blast hit the Voyager and took out literally all of its health except for 1 point. I knew this was my chance. I was ashamed to do it, but I tried the newest glitch. I took out my grenade pouch and took out Fire Bomb. Since the Voyager was close, it would be an easy shot. I charged my Throw Volley all the way and threw the grenade at the hacker ship.

The grenade exploded with a surprisingly huge BOOM and sunk the hacker's ship. The ship was sinking, but it seems the hacker had other plans. He floated up with digits and stared at me with cold eyes. "Don't interfere with my fun!" He teleported onto my ship and tried to knock me out. He swung his sword ten times the normal speed, but I just blocked it all and kicked him off the ship, into the ocean. He dissolved into coding and disappeared.

My guildmates waved to me again after I saved them from danger. I smiled and said to myself, "You know what? Maybe I should relax for a few days."Chapter 7: The GMs

I was sitting on the docks another day, being worried. It was the seventh day and I only had three days left. I still couldn't figure out how to transfer the power, let alone control its power over me. I knew Del was right about me helping people, but it just didn't seem right about hurting the hackers even if they were baddies.

I thought about what Darksoul had said before: "Miss me?" I had no clue what he meant by that, because I had no memory of ever meeting him before that encounter. Just then, I switched servers; without even doing so myself. I was taken to a server that didn't have the same islands as a regular server. I opened the map and saw one island: "GM Notification Meeting Place". The server was called "Important1", probably implying there was more than one of this type of server.

I was looking around the island and saw tons of stuff I never would have dreamed of. Skull chests that were able to be looted. They all had either Famed or Legendary weapons. My jaw dropped in real life when I saw that there was a chest full of potions that are only redeemable by code or given at GM events. The potion that really caught my eye, though, was one that was never mentioned anywhere on the Internet, the wiki, or the phase files: "Special Privileges". I had no idea what that was, but I was assuming it was a potion no regular player should be able to get their hands on.

"Hello, Gastro," said a player from behind me. I turned around and saw Xavier Hench again. "If you're wondering, this was not a glitch, bug, or hack. We brought you, specifically, here. You see, you're here on the topic of your power." I just stared at Xavier Hench. "Are you the one I met at that event or just someone else?" He shook his head. "I am the same one you met at the event. You see, the only reason the event was held was so we could lure you. We didn't know that you were specifically the player with the power, but we detected it. We held an event to lure all of the players to work out who had the power...and it was you."

I was still confused. "Well, if you wanted me here for the power, why not take it from me right now?" He shook his head again. "It's not that simple, Gastro. I wish it could be that easy, however. Not even a GM has the power to take your peculiar power away." I thought about the events the day that Del's character disappeared and Darksoul had come. "Wait, do you know about the guy named Darksoul? He was interested in my power, too. He knew I had it, it seemed."

Xavier Hench didn't respond for a while. "Darksoul...that's a name I haven't heard for a long time. He quit back in development, but we never took away his privileges. He was an excellent coder, a good contributor to the development of Pirates of the Caribbean Online, or POTCO." He paused for a few seconds. "You see, the power you affected him." I was puzzled. "How?" Xavier almost seemed hesitant. "The power you have used to be a safeguard for the game. It was to affect all hackers that might come. We tried to test it out, and mind you, it worked--too much, in fact.

"You see, Darksoul was the first to test it out. However, we hadn't anticipated that the damage of the safeguard could be so massive. When the safeguard attacked him, it put a scar on his face. In real life." I was baffled. "Wait, how could it do that? It's just a game." Xavier paced back and forth. "Well, when the safeguard detects anything not normal in the coding, it traces the IP of the player causing the coding to be corrupted, and puts an electronic flow into their computer. The electronic flow is sent to the human at the computer...and hurts them legitimately."

I was at a loss for words. The fact that a system like this could exist was beyond my comprehension. "So, then, that's why Darksoul quit?" Xavier Hench nodded. "Partially. He almost never wanted to see the game again. Something changed in him that day. It seemed like he wanted revenge on this power. After he quit, we decided it was too dangerous to keep the safeguard. We tried to delete it, but it wouldn't. So, we had to create an entirely new room to lock it in and isolate it from all players. This room was supposed to be inaccessible by any player. seems the safeguard's power grew and was able to lure you in."

I finally began to understand. "Then, why did Darksoul hurt Del?" Xavier Hench hung his head a little. "It seems he was desperate to fight the power again. After he eventually came back, he must have used his privileges to overpower his character. He must have not wanted the safeguard to escape him again."

"But...he seems evil now," I said. Xavier nodded. "Yes, and, as much as it pains me to do so, I'll have to help you defeat him...and your power." I nodded. "You know, the Internet suddenly just got interesting."


Comments? Sorry for the delay.

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