Just curious as to what this is

So, I'm a level 30 pirate who just decided to look around Isla Tormenta while trying to get my voodoo staff. I'm probably pretty late on finding this, but there is a cave that is blocked off and marked as "???" on the map in the "Forsaken Shallows." If this is the wrong forum channel to talk about this sort of thing, I apologize, I just wasn't sure which one to go to after reading the names of the different forum branches. The point of this post is just to ask, was this added during POTCO, or is this a TLOPO thing? Also, are there any plans to do anything with this cave? Again, I'm just curious, and if this is the wrong place to ask this, I'm sorry again.
If i recall correctly, the cave that TLOPO used for Forsaken Shallows is the same cave that POTCO used for the old cursed caverns (or "tormenta cave") before they changed all the cave interiors in a 2009 update.

The old cave also had 2 exits so when TLOPO re-added it into the game, they likely had no immediate use for the other exit and decided to block it off. It was kinda just there and people were wondering about it for a while.

It wasn't until last December when TLOPO added the update that gave all the cave/jungle entrances names. The developers gave that entrance "???" confirming that they were going to eventually do something with it. They've also made recent comments on it after being asked about it, confirming that there will be something with that cave, but not any time soon.

Hope that didn't confuse you
TLOPO recycled an old cave from POTCO that had 2 exits so they blocked one off. They added question marks to basically confirm that they will be opening that cave sometime in the future.
My theory is that it will lead to either a Davy Jones boss fight, or the old islands.
The old islands teleportation sounds probable, though, it could lead into the actual old Tormenta Cave through some sort of invisible wormhole in the doorway, thus teleporting you to the old islands.