Question How to level dagger fast?


Wanted Pirate
I'm level 12 dagger, hoping to get to maybe level 20?
what are your tips for leveling and even just saying wheres the best place for certain levels..
I'm level 25 by the way.. so nothing too hard like tormenta
I did DH with a group of 5 or so people and that's how I leveled mine quickly until I move onto the higher-ups of Tormenta.
I used to level up at Bosses all the time, Hive queen, Dark Hart, and the one Boss in Cutthroat.
Use throwing knives (they give a lot more rep) and try and find a nice pack of enemies that have yellow tags.
Get a healer, and go to spineskull room on tormenta. Gather all 6 of them in a group and vipers nest them. 100-150 PER KILL. so like 600-800 per round