Eye Patch

You know, I never thought about that. Thats a really good question... I guess they think it might impair our pirate skillz? o.o
Agree with all ideas about eye patches and peglegs. If they are too 'difficult' to be designed ( :rolleyes: ) as the things that the characters wear - even thought those would be ideal, at least as tattoos are the easiest solutions ... Go ahead and email them, and suggest the tattoos. Who knows even the supposedly smart game developers might overlook creative simple solutions like those ...
peg legs, eye patches and BALDRICS.... each with a functional use, eye patch adds to eagle eye, peg leg adds to something like cannons or sailing, and baldrics add to finesse or something or the amount of ammo you can carry
(if you don't know what a baldric is look at the belt on my or any pirates right shoulder)