Would you rather

A: Legs
Q: Would you rather wrestle a bear, or get chased by a Rabid Squirrel, who if he catches you, will devour you slowly until there is nothing left of you.
A: Wrestle the bear, because I would win :p.
Q: Would you rather eat steamed rice (no flavoring or spices) for the rest of your life, or be eaten by a Gru? (Zork fans will know)
A: Steam rice, "but of course...lol."
Q: Would you rather work for one day (with 'NO' pay) for Disney Interactive Media Group :piratemickey:(aka 'POTCO' game support/developers) - or - would you rather work for an entire week cleaning out the bottom of fish tanks, giving ppl sponge baths, & working in the drive-thru at McDonald's for $500?
A: I would spend my time playing Pirates: Tides of Fortune

Q: Would you like to be the most popular Pirate in POTCO ( but you will have basic acces forever) or Would you like to be a member in POTCO forever (but you will not be a popular pirate)
A: 6 Foot Long Spider :daggermouth:

Would you rather escape a labyrinth with your hands handcuffed to your back or escape a pool where you have an anchor attached to you?
A: Labyrinth, because in it I have a 00000000000.1% chance of escaping as opposed to a 0% chance.:skullpeak:

Q: Would you rather have all drinkable substances be turned to Oil (not the kind that you drizzle over food) or have all edible substances turned to rubber, while being able to survive both of them. :excited:
Oil with lots of pizza
would you rather get thrown in a blender by a hot girl with 25% chance to survive, or would you rather get squashed by an Ape with a 35% chance to survive
A: I'd rather get squashed by an ape; I still have a life to live, and I sure do like the odds of survival against the Ape better.

Q: Would you rather have a life that you enjoy living (fatty foods, rollercoasters, all the good stuff), but only live to be in your 40s, or live a life that was mediocre to you, but live until your 80s-90s?
A: tough one good life ftw
Q: would you rather slap yourself 100 times and have a red hand stuck on your face or slap the president once and go to jail btw the mark is stuck there for 5 years
A: Have the red hand stuck on my face. I could draw some eyes and feathers and make it into a turkey! Saves money on Thanksgiving costumes.

Q: Would you rather have no friends or have to give up your computer?
no friends. I am a computer lover( don't really have friends cause i'm Homeschooled
would you rather get unlimited membership in every online game in existens, or would you make an video/online game completley out your imagination work free?
Hawaii:fish:, Already went to Europe :drink:
Q: Would You Rather Live in Antarctica "Coldest Place On Earth" Or in Lut Desert (Iran) "Hottest Place On Earth"?
antartica because I can always put on extra layers but in the heat I can only take of so much until your not legal :confused:
Would you rather sleep with a sock in your mouth that someone has been wearing for a year straight or sleep in a bathroom that has been cleaned for 2 months or flushed the toilet?