Squid Squasher & Krackenbane Overpowered


Squid Squasher is currently stronger than World Eater Blade and Soul's Shadow on Tormenta. I believe that dutchman's wrath does not increase with rank but is instead the same for Squid Squasher, Krackenbane, and Krackenslayer. Either that or the mathematical model needs fixing. Either way, something is wrong here.
To me it seemingly make sense that a specialist set of weapons would be more powerful against their respective enemy types. With that being said, it's not like the class of weapons are far behind anyway when regarding their stat cards versus other famed, and even legendaries.

Their whole intent is to be destructive versus Davy Jones' Crew, and I don't see how them doing more damage due to their passive is in anyway wrong.

EDIT: That being said, it was also not functioning whatsoever until the release of Pypperoni, as per this tidbit of patch notes below.