Rate the Person Above You's Avatar


As stated, you rate the person above you if he/she has an avatar.

1) No ratings on default avatars
2) No ratings on avatars of what the users are in real life.
3) ONLY rate the same person if he/she has a different avatar from before.
Hmm... I think your avatar is a Power Ranger? Never watched the show, but it's cool if you like it.

8/10 for the cool helmet and the sword emblem.
Is it a dragon on fire, some sort of mud sculpture with yellow fuzz, or aerial view of a lavaflow?

So, 6/10, looks cool but I don't know what it is... 0_o
Telling my age and probably wrong, but that looks like Pokey from Gumby and Pokey. How could you not love Pokey?
6/10 on editing skills but 10/10 on originality because I haven't seen another jolly roger profile pic along with the player's pirate :p
Solid 8/10, I love muskets pistols, especially when there's more than one
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