My Game Settings


Ahoy All!

These are the settings I'm using to play TLOPo Beta without many disconnects. Before I would get disconnected every 10 minutes or so. After changing these settings I've lasted 30 + minutes online without being DCed.

Note. Not all PC's are not the same. These settings may or may not work for you.

First Run your Launcher as Admin. Select Yes on the pop-up.

Log In.

My In-game settings are as follows

General Tab

Display Options

Audio Options

Info about my Pc

Hopefully these settings work for you as well.

It varies. I have nothing but FPS meter on for general settings, and put mine to custom with medium/low settings with no textures or shadows, and i have music, and no sound effects. I can go hours without crashing, unless it's serverside. But yes, depending on the pc.. Running tlopo.exe on realtime or high isn't good for the pc in the long run anyways either.
My only crashes are completely caused by memory leaks, so I don't think any of this really helps. I suppose it could improve framerate, but I hope we find workarounds for memory leak related crashes soon.