Request Make Winter Containers have the default drop noise :)


Pirate Lord
The current sound effect is very cute and festive and whatnot, but it's very quiet making it exceedingly difficult to tell where and what dropped in areas like gold room and almost completely impossible to hear if something dropped in a place as hectic as Twins. Just makes the looting side of the game a tiny bit more unpleasant than it already is. Also there seems to be a bug that makes it so skulls don't make any noise at all when they spawn that me and a few others have encountered. Anyway thanks for all the 12 days features :D
I reported this issue not long ago as well Roger-Daniel...Even standing on top of a enemy do not hear anything(sounds like a creepy old bed rofl)....
I whole-heartedly agree with this post. As much as I appreciate the "winter" loot containers, I really would prefer the more distinct "drop" sound effects. As it currently stands, I'm unable to tell whether or not a skull chest has dropped without opening all of the stacked loot individually. This has been the case for players who choose to play without sound, but now it seems that even with sound, this problem remains unresolved.
Alternatively, a delete button could be added which would allow us to delete loot containers instead of having to sort 5 or 6 chests after every kill.
Thanks for the bug report, Daniel!
I whole-heartedly agree with this post. As much as I appreciate the "winter" loot containers, I really would prefer the more distinct "drop" sound effects. As it currently stands, I'm unable to tell whether or not a skull chest has dropped without opening all of the stacked loot individually. This has been the case for players who choose to play without sound, but now it seems that even with sound, this problem remains unresolved.
Alternatively, a delete button could be added which would allow us to delete loot containers instead of having to sort 5 or 6 chests after every kill.

While I can't say anything about a 'delete' feature for loot containers, the audio queues are being looked into. Thanks for the reports.