Announcement Happy Third Sunday !!

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I like making hot cocoa on Christmas Eve and starting up the fireplace. I know it sounds cliche, but reading a book in front of the fireplace while sipping on hot cocoa, while its snowing outside is my favorite part about the holidays (apart from family/friends of course).
:santastar:We host Christmas day brunch, we have everything from sweet French toast bake, flavored syrups, and cinnamon rolls to savory chicken souffle, crepes, sausage, ham, & Swedish meatballs. We love nibbling on that all day. And of course baking Christmas cookies with the family. Love to nibble them for a week or so as well.
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After decorating the tree we turn off all the lights (except the tree lights of course!) and sing carols together. Then it's everyone in the kitchen while I make burgers and we spend the evening talking, laughing and being a family!
My friends / family and I usually like to go ice skating at the Rockefeller Center Ice Skating rink. Then we'll go window shopping or actual shopping along 5th avenue. After a long cold day, we'll come home and maybe watch a few Christmas movies while enjoying a home-cooked meal.
My mom and siblings drive around looking at the Christmas lights around town on Christmas Eve, and then we have a brunch thing on Christmas with my grandparents.
There is a really big park not too far from where I live and every year they put up lights, strobes, huge (like, 3 story) trees and all sorts of other decorations. Come Christmas eve we all grab hot chocolate from the first corner store we find and walk around for awhile.
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