Graphics Problem Bad anti-aliasing on the seafloor corals while fishing


Wanted Pirate
The transparent outlines appear to be using water background colours from much closer to the surface, creating a glowing neon effect.
there isn't any anti aliasing as far as im aware this is a game made in 2007 and deceased in 2013 so it probably doesn't have anti aliasing

Graphical issues usually take the lowest of priorities unless they're major in which this one isn't.
there isn't any anti aliasing as far as im aware this is a game made in 2007 and deceased in 2013 so it probably doesn't have anti aliasing
They're 2d bitmap images, the anti-aliasing is baked in using transparent edges.

Graphical issues usually take the lowest of priorities unless they're major in which this one isn't.
Sure, but it might be one of those things you can fix by changing a single number.

Is this a bad thing?
In principle no, but it's obviously an accidental artifact with nasty jagged edges. Making use of it for bio-luminescence would be neat, but you'd want it to look more like artistic intent, and less rendering error.