Davy Bridgerackham

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  • Well, the game is really actually gone. I can think back to a time where this game closing seemed almost impossible lol... good old days...
    man I havent played in months..... last time I was on chris told me not to leave for 3 months again....... CRAP! Keep losing track of time!!
    cleaned out my computer, removed everything, thought it would be good. But I lost like 3 games cuz i cant find registry key to redownload!!
    Captain Redhorn
    Captain Redhorn
    Can you do a system restore or something like that?? Or maybe ask Davy, lol. :p
    Davy Bridgerackham
    Davy Bridgerackham
    Little late.. or alot late replying.. ive been inactive for a while but I feel like answering. I could in theory do a system restore, but that wouldnt redownload the game. It would probably just put the name of the file in or something, I would still need to reinstall all the data and stuff. And that, requires a registy key.
    >:) muahahahahahahahaha davy why u no come on when i dont tell u to
    Davy Bridgerackham
    Davy Bridgerackham
    !!! I havent been on cuz my friendslist is always 0/99 - 101 (it fluctuates from 99 to 101 nearly everyday), and the people on my friends list are the only interesting people I know. Regular people are just boring. All they do is sit there afk, unless your on abassa, in witch case they run at you, fart potion you, run away.......
    Captain Hi
    Captain Hi
    no... i do that all the time it gives me extra protection against the peddlers... always smiling at me... those peddlers taunt us with the coin yea they deserve to smell it
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