

Wanted Pirate
Narcos is an exciting program on Netflix, detailing about the rise and fall of the King of Cocaine Pablo Escobar. There have already been 2 seasons and 2 more are confirmed. Let me know your thoughts about this series! For the newbies, here is the trailer for season 1 :)

It's a really good series, has a good balance of action and downtime between and building up to the action. I've always loved crime dramas so this series is very enjoyable for me so far. I will say I enjoyed season 1 a bit more than season 2 but both were still enjoyable. I can't wait for season three. It also flows extremely well with subtitles for it being almost entirely in spanish (because it takes place is colombia). Enough time is givem between dialogue to read the subtitles and everything is easily understandable.

If you are interested in criminal acts, how people get away with it, what they did; along with a bit of drama between characters then this series might interest you.