If POTCO had a "name"...


Shamus The Brute

~ If POTCO had a "name," and therefore an identity...
...I would shout out her name, upon on every morning rooftop.
~ If POTCO had a "face," and therefore an expression...
...I would dance to the tune of a jig, only to watch her smile.
~ If POTCO had "eyes," and therefore a vision...
...I would stare with her for hours, and not lose hope.
~ If POTCO had an "appetite," and therefore acquired tastes...
...I would wine and dine her, but offer me best RUM.
~ If POTCO had an "attitude," and therefore conflicting emotion...
...I would suffer at the hand of patience, but eventually listen.
~ If POTCO had a "soul," and therefore immortality...
...I would tell her how well I appreciate her; Alas - to the very end!
That was great man, I really liked reading it. Good picture choice to.

Send it to disney. They would be touched.
Thanks :) It's been my motto in a lot of places, I particularly like the story where his daughter is asked in a restaurant about what her dad does for a living and she replies 'he's a pirate'. Not sure how true that is, but it's a great story.
That's really good Shamus. :raft:
Thanks, mate... :)

Not sure I should be so open about this and share publicly but, at the time I wrote this, I had just seen the movie,"Duece Bigalow - Male Gigolo" again on television and I was a bit emotional about the whole idea of POTCO closing.
*Not really sure how the two are in any way related but, thus was the train of thought I had at the time (lol). :facepalm: